Purple Knowledge

All about general knowledge, life Tips and Skills

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Some Reasons Why I Love to Share Knowledge

Here is a things of some of the reasons why I love sharing knowledge:

There’s a kindness ripple effect.

When I share knowledge with others, I feel that my knowledge is increase and I feel happiness.

I am helping to get much-needed knowledge out to my peers, which helps our profession overall.

There have been many times when I felt like the knowledge I was seeking wasn’t out there and I’m sure others have experienced the same thing. I am trying to help change that by contributing to our field’s knowledge bank.

My network has grown immensely.

Since I have been sharing tips proactively online, it is a big efforts and it will helpful in my career.

Knowledge sharing can manage to wonderful opportunities.

The more when we share knowledge, the chances of others seeing you as an expert in your field increase, which can then manage to things you would never have imagined.

You never know how much of an effect your insight will have.

For example, maybe you know about a tool that could make the task your coworker is working on a lot easier. Or maybe you come across a post in a social media and know exactly how to help the person asking for advice. Of course, there’s a chance that the knowledge you provide will be totally ignored. But it could also be utilized and help the individual. It’s that second possible outcome that is motivating to me.

Knowledge sharing helps to strengthen your personal brand.

We all have a personal brand and it’s always being altered by what we do, whether we are aware of it or not. I have seen mine shaped in a positive way because of the information I have freely shared.

It helps to remind me of how being an assistant is my passion and something I excel at.

Each time I share tips, it’s hard not to reflect on how much I enjoy what I do and how much I’ve learned over the years.

I also learn more!

It’s the best when knowledge sharing turns into a mutual exchange of tips. I would not have excelled in my field without the tips I learned from others.

Photo by Buenosia Carol on Pexels.com

If you freely share knowledge, How has it affected your life. Please share in the comments below!

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